RTOS (Real Time OS) and Software
Micronet Products
RTOS (Real Time OS) INtime
Real time OS (RTOS) which can operate with Windows simultaneously. Without any special hardware, this product achieved the 100 microseconds cycle application which is impossible for Windows, Linux, LabVIEW and PLC. An external expansion board on the market can be used for this system.
Software PLC Controller INplc
INplc is the software PLC controller working in the PC hardware. The control cycle can be specified from 0.1msec to achieve controlling a high-speed device. Because Windows OS can operate, device control and windows functions such as SCADA, upper communication and database can run on the controller simultaneously. This corresponds to expansion boards and various fieldbuses used in Japan such as EtherCAT, CC-Link, IE and MECHATROLINK. The five languages + C# conforming to the international standard IEC61131-3 is available for application development.
Traceable Controller
The Traceable Controller has a trace AP function as the basic feature. It is the basic function of the API for the real time application development to gain processing information by flagging. In addition, data preservation and display function without spoiling real time operation of application is also basic function. These functions enable to record the controlling information with free data format continuously and easily and achieve real time control at the same time.
EtherCATR master software for a traceable controller for INtime and INtime. The standard network card (NIC) of the PC mother board is usable for this product, so that the special hardware is not required. Use of commercial cable for network cable can greatly reduce hardware cost.
For inquiries about this product
03-6834-2600 sales@toamec.co.jp